Creating a New Internet Business

When creating a new internet business you must consider five absolutely crucial things;

• What’s your businesses purpose?

• Where are you going to get traffic from – your businesses lifeblood?

• How are you going to acquire that traffic?

• How are you going to convert that traffic?

• How are you going to make money?

Traffic is the lifeblood of any business, online or offline. Factoring in where your traffic will come from is a crucial part in planning an online business. There are two ways of going about acquiring traffic:

1) Use existing online platforms – eBay, Amazon, Clickbank. They’ve already invested in building up traffic, links, search engine credibility and a loyal customer base.

2) Build your own platform – invest in your own website or blog and build up your own traffic, links, customer base and search engine favouritism

Now there are advantages and disadvantages of each:

creating a new internet business

Websites like eBay and Amazon are great places to get started online. Both are big brands with loyal customers and you stand a chance of getting sales relatively quickly. Why not download this FREE e-Book 'Make Your Net Auction Sell' to show you how to get started selling online.

Should you choose to build your own website, building traffic with that website is crucial. There’s only one system I know that can do this easily and that is Site Build It. Site Build It owners are consistently in the top 1% of all websites for traffic (according to the traffic stats service – Alexa). See the results here.

Site Build It can take anyone from complete internet novices to experienced webmasters and walk them through a 10-step ‘Action Guide’ to creating a new internet business. Guidance is important when entering a new marketing area – particularly the internet.

Read more about Site Build It here

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